What’s new
- Save your documents on the cloud - Work directly on Overflow cloud
- Revamped Launcher window - Keep your documents organized in folders
- Auto-save on cloud documents - Automatically saves your work
- Invite Folder and Document editors - Work better with others
- Document versioning - Keep a document copy on each save, restore when needed
- Offline saving - Continue working even when offline
App release 2.0.1
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where SVG images were not functioning as expected on the player
- Performance optimization
App release 2.0.2
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue on the Dashboard where switching between folders would show the “Empty state” first
- Fixed an issue with the tooltip on the migration window
- Mouse cursor loading state has been disabled during auto-save
- Fixed an issue with the last selected folder on the Launcher was not correctly selected
- Fixed an issue where you could not rename a document on save if you chose to overwrite an existing document first
- Minor change on the sync workflow to a local file from any design tool
App release 2.0.3
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where duplicating a document would give a 404 or 500 error
- Option to "Open in Overflow" disabled on mobile devices
- Fixed an issue where switching to a frozen organization would give a 404 error
- The width of the document name on the Dashboard is now bigger, allowing for easier reading of the documents' name
- Fixed an issue with folder filtering not updating correctly
- When saving from a local document, the .overflow extension has been removed from the name
- Save dialog now closes on the ESC key
- Fixed an issue with the wrong URL on the publication embed code
- Optimized Launcher window loading speed
What's new
- Addition of tooltip when a user hovers over the document card that shows the full document name
App release 2.0.5
What's new
- New shape elements added:
- Capsule
- Parallelogram
- UI improvements on the cursors
- UI improvement on the web player toolbar position
App release 2.0.6
What’s new
- In-app help menu - Access to help resources
- Option to show a document in the contained folder from the document’s context menu
- Indication where a document has been duplicated
- Publications on the dashboard can now be previewed on click
Bug fixes
- Fixed an error when the publication name was long
- Fixed an issue where temporarily saved documents could not be closed
- Fixed a problem with the context menu on mobile not working
- Fixed the sorting of the documents on the “Save modal”
App release 2.0.7
What’s new
- Saving speed optimization
Bug fixes
- Dark mode UI fixes
- Fixed an issue where creating a new folder, a duplicated one was created as well
- Fixed an issue where some older versions were not visible under “Versions history”
- Temporarily saved documents are now correctly shown under the “Recent documents” tab on Launcher
- Fixed an issue where the Sketch plugin was not working for some users
App release 2.0.9
What’s new
- New menu - The “Insert elements menu” is now available on the canvas for easier access to all the elements.
- New boards panel icon with additional info regarding the current board
- You can now create a new document from the Launcher window using a single click
- Search results - Option to show a document in the contained folder from the document’s context menu
Bug fixes
- Optimize the way images are loaded on the Editor
- Fixed some minor UI issues